Let Your Face Tell You What Going on Inside Your Body.

Eyes congestion:
Shows neglect your health significantly, perhaps due to fatigue or behind medical reasons such as low vision or sensitivity or high temperatures,at that time you should consult your doctor.

Dry skin:
The presence of dry skin on your face requires more than putting refreshments, perhaps it is due to presence of eczema or not your skin's ability to withstand pollution, soap, it is probably due to hormonal factors.

Red nose:

If your nose is constantly red it means you are in poor health condition, for example, drinking alcoholic beverages and other or perhaps due to fact that capillary in your nose significantly sensitive, so you go to the doctor for reassurance.

Hormonal imbalance is often when young every case have special acne so you need to consult skin doctor to get your right remedy for kind of your skin.

Gums swelling:
Swollen gums due to lack of brushing teeth, which leads to destruction of teeth, but also can affect heart mainly, so you'll need to wash and clean your teeth.

Chapped lips:
Chapped lips due to lack of iron in your body. Therefore chapped lips is a danger bell to your body.

Weak hair:
Weak hair due to fatigue and stress, is usually caused by malnutrition.

If you find one or some of these symptoms you must hurry up to consult the doctor before the dangerous bell.
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